Professional Master's Program

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From small scale cyber frauds to large-scale international cyber attacks, the news headlines concerning cyber-security incidents point out the fact that cyber security already became a pressing concern for every aspect of human societies. As the escalating societal and financial cost incurred due to cyber frauds and attacks clearly illustrate the paucity of cybersecurity professionals and experts in Turkey and in the world, it also underlines unique career opportunities in a popular and evolving area. The Sabancı University cybersecurity master program for professionals is established in Fall of 2018 to educate and train professionals to be capacitated with knowledge, experience and capacity much needed in the area of cyber security. 



As the nature and techniques of cyber attacks change and almost nothing remains the same, cyber security needs vary and diversify rapidly. Therefore, cyber security experts and professionals  need to use knowledge and experience obtained from past incidents of cyber attacks to formulate effective detection and prevention models to counter new cyber attacks, either before or in their emerging stages. To this end, prospective students will develop competency in theoretical backgrounds and gain practical skills in an application-oriented education model. They will find opportunities to work on real world problems and use up-to-date software tools on real cybersecurity data. They will develop an understanding the importance of cyber intelligence based on data collection and evaluation to predict and prevent emerging and future attacks. Finally, they will gain an insight into the legal, societal and ethical aspects of data security and protection.  



Sabancı University, with academic staff that are globally known for their pioneering research in relevant areas of cybersecurity, with instructors from the field or with field experience and in close collaboration with the sector, provides an infrastructure and a unique program to meet the challenges in the cyber security field


Prospective Students

Sabancı University cybersecurity master program for professionals is specifically designed for individuals, who would like to advance their theoretical background, applied knowledge and skill sets in relevant areas, and thus plan a career in the field of cybersecurity. The profile for prospective profile is as follows:

  • Individuals with a university degree in computer science and engineering, engineering, basic sciences or similar degree
  • Professionals with sector experience in related areas, who would like to obtain a graduate degree in cybersecurity.  


Program Objectives and Outcomes

Sabancı University cybersecurity master program for professionals aims primarily educate and train qualified human resource in much needed areas of cybersecurity. The following is a list of the program outcomes for students, who successfully complete the degree:

  • The participants in the program will be equipped with the necessary theoretical and technical background 
  • They will develop an essential in-depth understanding of the techniques and approaches in the existing and possibly future cyber attacks, threats and frauds; and vulnerabilities related to technical and human factors.
  • They will have the necessary knowledge and skills to inspect an IT infrastructure for potential vulnerabilities, perform a risk analysis and formulate a cyber defense strategy.
  • They will gain the knowledge to apply efficient and effective countermeasures to limit the cost and minimize the damage during the onset of cyberattacks. 
  • They will gain experience for effective use of contemporary software tools and libraries that are widely used in cybersecurity
  • They will understand the importance of following multiple of data sources for the cyber-intelligence daily basis, and merging and analyzing them to prevent or mitigate damage of the cyber attacks.
  • They will gain an essential understanding and develop awareness about the legal, ethical and societal aspects of the security and privacy concerns pertaining to personal or institutional data collected and take preventive measures against any privacy breach,
  • where damage is mostly irreparable.