Academic Staff

Research Areas

Information and Network Security, Wireless Networtk Security, Cryptography, Certificate Systems and Public Key Infrastructures, Ecommerce Security, Computer Networks

Research Area

Cryptographic Hardware Design, Computer Architectures

Research Areas

Computer vision & Machine learning: biometrics, document recognition, image retrieval

Research Areas

Algebraic coding theory, especially the relations between this theory and algebraic curves over finite fields.

Research Areas

Software Engineering; Software Quality Assurance; Software Testing; Combinatorial Interaction Testing; Fault Detection, Isolation, and Characterization; Online Failure Prediction; Highly Configurable Systems; Software Security.

Research Areas

Cryptography and Security, Computer Aritmetic, High Perfomance Computing,Distributed Computing.

Research Areas

Theoretical and numerical hydrodynamics, Experimental hydrodynamics Numerical techniques in nonlinear wave mechanics, Remote sensing of water waves Wave-turbulence interaction, Surfactant effects on wave dissipation Data networking and security, E-commerce applications Hydrodynamic aspects of yacht design, Hull design in high-speed boats

Research Areas

Parallel Algorithms; high performance computing; BigData analysis; cryptography; bioinformatics

Research Areas

Research Areas

Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Cultural Heritage, Information Visualization

Research Areas

Active database systems; data mining; data mining security; data warehouses; mobile data management.

Part Time Instructors / Consultans

Research Areas

Pervasive Healthcare Security, Information and Wireless Network Security, Cryptography

Research Areas
