Information and Network Security, Wireless Networtk Security, Cryptography, Certificate Systems and Public Key Infrastructures, Ecommerce Security, Computer Networks
Kriptografik Donanım Tasarımı, Bilgisayar Mimarileri
Computer vision & Machine learning: biometrics, document recognition, image retrieval
Algebraic coding theory, especially the relations between this theory and algebraic curves over finite fields.
Software Engineering; Software Quality Assurance; Software Testing; Combinatorial Interaction Testing; Fault Detection, Isolation, and Characterization; Online Failure Prediction; Highly Configurable Systems; Software Security.
Cryptography and Security, Computer Aritmetic, High Perfomance Computing,Distributed Computing.
Nümerik yöntemler • Teorik ve nümerik hidrodinamik • Veri iletişimi ve güvenlik • Veri Analitiği ve Uygulamaları
Parallel Algorithms; high performance computing; BigData analysis; cryptography; bioinformatics
Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Cultural Heritage, Information Visualization
Active database systems; data mining; data mining security; data warehouses; mobile data management.
Yarı Zamanlı Öğretim Görevlilerimiz / Sektör Danışmanlarımız
Pervasive Healthcare Security, Information and Wireless Network Security, Cryptography